For grades K-5, approximately 80 min (K-2) and 120 min (3-5) of screen time a day. (More information to come soon). Digital and non-digital options will be available. Setting sensible time limits for students’ technology use. Teachers will determine a method for both summative and formative assessment. Students will be asked to follow physical distancing recommendations throughout most of the day. Teachers will require activities to complete online. Are English Language Learner Services Still Offered in the Hybrid Model? (Status Level Yellow). A replacement fee of $150 will be charged if the device is lost, damaged or not returned. How Will the District Handle Positive Cases? Continue to implement the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) with time for Teacher Based Teams (TBTs) and Building Leadership Teams (BLTs). What Would Instruction Look Like — Virtual Academy, How will teachers track attendance —Virtual Academy, 6th Grade Virtual Learning Academy Courses, 7th and 8th Grade Virtual Learning Academy Courses. 5. They can also support students on face-to-face days as appropriate. Simplicity is best during this time—simplicity of the framework, of communication structures, and of expectations. Breakfast and lunch will be served from 10:00 - 1:00 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for all present children up to age 18 at the locations listed below. Families must commit to this plan for a full year. One teacher on the team should make a copy of the template and share it with each teacher on the team, Each teacher will add lessons for the week, Each teacher will post the template in his/her Google Classroom (VIEW ONLY). (614) 920-6180. Our goal is always to move as safely as possible to Status Level Green. The exact days/times will be determined at the building level by Teachers and Principals. Provide reminders to students and staff about proper health and safety precautions. Use this list as a guide to set your learning goals for this topic. 2019-20 Flexible Learning/E-Learning Plan E-Learning Day refers specifically to weather-driven closing days where classes are held on-line and learning is continued with the support of classroom teachers and in collaboration with teachers and other students. The programming is self-paced; however, students must maintain appropriate progress in each course. Complete all required tasks, including taking “attendance,” providing instruction via Google Classroom/Seesaw and through instructional videos and/or Office Hours on Google Meet, checking on students’ emotional wellbeing, and offering feedback on student learning. Work with the Department of Teaching and Learning and Instructional Technology to deliver a consistent message across all buildings. Feedback should be given along the way on formative assessments and teacher check-ins as much as possible. We are here to support our parents/guardians and students by providing quality resources, online activities, filmed lessons, and personal support through phone calls/emails from your child's teacher(s). Personal student devices will not be permitted to join the WIFI network. Ensure that all students have access to WIFI – if not direct them to the, Coordinate with teachers to support virtual learning, Coordinate with teachers to support accommodations, Provide hotspots to students and staff through the. However, if you have a special circumstance that would require you to wear one instead of a mask, please inform your building principal. Parents are encouraged to develop a plan for their family if this status level would need to be implemented. Work with custodian staff to determine the process for cleaning tables and benches/chairs in the cafeteria. This would count as gifted services designed toward gifted students and students would have a WEP (written education plan) and a WAP (written acceleration plan). Wikipedia Dec 06 Teachers will need to assign whatever assignments can be assigned virtually. Internship. Rubrics and Resources for Discussion Boards . Students will be required to self report attendance each day/period. Some IEPs may need to be amended if the IEP indicates a daily time that is not able to be met face to face, other options may include providing virtual and face to face services. For Seniors Who Just Need a Few Credits/Courses to Graduate, Can They Just Take These in the VLA and Be Done for the Year? Read (and respond when necessary) the communication from the District, building principal and classroom teachers. Ensure that supplies are readily available for custodians and teaching staff. Teachers should consider that online activities need to be self-directed, as teacher availability is limited through the four days of face-to-face instruction. Multiple students can sign on to a single hotspot, so students are asked to coordinate use for group projects. According to the plan, we are asking that all students and staff perform a health check including symptoms and temperature on a daily basis before they arrive at school or get on the school bus, All coaches/directors and students have been filling this out daily since we began our return to play, The district will work with local departments of health and will follow, Respiratory symptoms have improved (e.g. This document covers the planning, expectations and learning plans for the Pickerington Schools Status Level Yellow – Hybrid model. Students and Staff have access to the PLSD Every-1 Connected Program with 200 hotspots. Should wider ‘community outbreaks’ occur in the school setting, the district will cooperatively work with local health departments to mitigate the outbreak, up to and including moving a particular building or buildings into Status Level Orange, until such time that the building or buildings are safe to reopen. Ensure that the workspace is kept clean and sanitized. Currently based on homeschool rules, students would be able to attend extracurricular activities, Virtual Learning Academy students would only be permitted to attend after school events, not classes, within normal school hours. Examples – Lab work in science classes, introduction to technology tools, diagnostic and summative assessment, teacher-led instruction, intervention and/or enrichment with the teacher. The MiFi devices will be checked out on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 - 1:00 following the same protocol as packet pick-up. An update on their instruction during the week, including any links, Google Docs, or other resources of particular note. Be Handled? Course requirements must be submitted on time;15 days will be given as extension for compliance. If the device is lost, stolen, or damaged, a $150 fee will be charged to parents. Students can download the lessons/activities then work offline. that could not be solved during the week. Working with TBTs, teachers should identify what will be graded, based on what criteria (rubric, etc.,) that informs the teacher if the student is meeting the intent of the standard. It is best to determine what is graded is the same for all students in the class or the course. Teachers will provide ongoing feedback through digital platforms. In general, the district will work with the local department of health to identify any student or employee who has had close contact in the school setting with an individual who has tested positive. On July 13, 2020, the Pickerington Board of Education approved the framework of the Flexible Learning 2.0 Plan. Use the provided cleaning supplies when using common pieces of equipment, like copiers and printers. All teachers will still be available every day to answer questions, they will be continually collaborating with TBTs to plan lessons, create resources, provide feedback, and grade every day. Sign in. Here is the updated PLSD Flexible Learning 2.0 Master Plan (pdf) as released on Nov. 6, 2020. Designating a specific space to work on remote learning activities. Please do not exit your vehicle. TBTs will post a “Welcome Video” that will give students an overview of the expectations for the hybrid model, including how to navigate SeeSaw and to explain the online and on-site classroom routines. Student-Centered Learning … Provide a range of meaningful learning opportunities and resources that engage and meet the needs of all learners. Ensure there is adequate supervision in bus lots, parking lots, and common areas of the building. Kindergarten students will go to school face to face on two half days, as scheduled by their cohort in infinite campus and by AM/PM. Students in the quarantine in the room will wear a mask, unless otherwise indicated. The content being covered during the semester will be broken down into standards-aligned mini-units. Specific office hour times will be created by each building. The learning environment may impact service options available through an IEP or 504 as well as services for EL and gifted students, among others. Middle School and Junior High School Teams will work together to create instructional material that is aligned to current content and standards from traditional classes. Services will be delivered while the student is at school or virtually if needed and planned with the parents. ), Provide in-person instruction for all students as much as possible, Provide a fully online option for K-12 students, Create rational procedures for use of facilities, transportation, child nutrition, student activities, Green is the goal Status Level for district operations, Prepare to shift between delivery models at any time due to COVID-19, Face masks/coverings policy will be implemented for students and staff members, Enhanced cleaning of the classrooms, offices and common spaces, Hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies will be available in all classrooms and common spaces, Modifications will be made to bell schedules, hallway and locker usage, Modification will be made to cafeteria use, including scheduling additional lunch periods and use of additional areas for lunch. Approximately 120 min to 180 min of screen time a day. Additionally, the Accelerated Reader quiz platform will be open for at-home use, and quiz records can be generated remotely for each student in grade Kinder through 8th grade. Supervise student traffic in hallways to insure one-way flow. The Flexible Learning 2.0 plan also gives greater detail for what instruction will look like, what safety precautions the district is taking and what are the expectations for students, staff and parents. Monitor student traffic in hallways to insure one-way flow. Calamity days are no longer be needed. Each plan shall include the following: (1) A description of how student instructional needs will be determined and documented; (2) The method to be used for determining competency, granting credit, and promoting students to a higher grade level; (3) The school’s attendance requirements, including how the school will document participation in learning opportunities; (4) A statement describing how student progress will be monitored; (5) A description as to how equitable access to quality instruction will be ensured; (6) A description of the professional development activities that will be offered to teachers. (More information to come soon), Students in grades 7 and 8 that are new to the district will be distributed on August 17, 18 or 19 through a curb-side pickup. Could this Plan Change if There is a Large Spike in COVID-19 Cases? Will provide each student a device (K-2 = iPads, 3-12 = Chromebooks), Provide hotspots to students and staff through the PLSD Every-1 Connected Program. Two days in school and three days virtually, Virtual learning in closed buildings only, Could be an immediate change, if necessitated by the health department. Also JH students can take the following high school courses if they have met the conditions needed: Utilize the PLSD Parent University for support with technology, curriculum or social emotional resources. In the event our closure extends beyond April 3, the tracker has been created to accommodate additional days of closure if needed. Pickerington Schools values face-to-face instruction with all of our students. Flexible learning is a method of learning where students are given freedom in how, what, when and where they learn. What is a flexible learning environment? Specials/elective classes will be tied to state standards but will likely not follow district curriculum pacing and learning activities. Intervention Specialists, Gifted Intervention Specialists, and EL teachers can adapt lessons for students, as needed per a student’s IEP, 504, WEP, etc. They will be provided breakfast and lunch for two days at a time. We will maintain our current rotation of our nurses and health care assistants to cover our building clinics. Younger students may have more frequent Google Meets due to the nature of the instruction (working on foundational reading and math skills). Selecting content for remote learning that is aligned to standards, relevant, and appropriate for each student. Participate in required weekly BLT meetings with their co-teachers, grade level teams, departments PLCs, and/or collaboration groups. student requires access to a specialised program to support their educational program) learning outcome(s) the proposed flexible arrangement is intended to achieve Develop and implement a staggered bell or transition schedule. requiring student log-in to a synchronous online class or communication between students and teacher at the beginning of each class/class period by email, text, or phone). Support the Grade Band Instructional Models through Teacher Based Teams, Use the provided supplies to spray desks, chairs, and any common materials as needed. Borrowing a hotspot is free. Avoid, when possible, placing students into physical groups where they have to come in close contact. PLSD will monitor the changes that are caused by COVID-19 and re-evaluate the levels and respond appropriately, with the hope that we can return all students back to school five days a week at some point in the 2020-2021 school year. Please review the learning options below so you can determine what is most appropriate for your family. What Are Some Additional Recommended General Strategies for Good Hygiene? Courses will not be identified as honors, gifted, etc. In particular, flexible learning provides learners with choices about where, when, and how learning occurs. Can I still enroll my student in the VLA? We believe that the flexible teaching approach is absolutely essential to learning. Yes. All teachers will be required to hold daily office hours and regular check-ins with students or groups of students. Yes services and accommodations will be provided in the Hybrid model. Pickerington Schools’ Flexible Learning 2.0 Master Plan. In summary, an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 and had symptoms should not be at school until after: An individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 but has NOT had symptoms should not be at school until at least 10 days have passed since your test. All devices must be returned before the end of the school year. Yes all courses will still be offered, including the full course offerings at the high school. Recommendations vary on the length of time of exposure, but 15 minutes of close exposure can be used as an operational definition. Although our intention is to allow for fluidity and flexibility to complete learning tasks and course assignments, students should still plan to follow a typical school schedule – which may include synchronous whole group, small group, and one-on-one virtual conferences. Create a quarantine area that is separate from the clinic, or have a space for students that exhibit symptoms from those well-students that need medication. H.B. This behavior also will be subject to possible school discipline. Most of the virtual instruction in a hybrid model will need to be done asynchronously as teachers will be teaching the face-to-face group during that time. Teachers will release instructional material for the week so that it is available to students at the start of the instructional day on Monday. Assessments and learning tasks should only support evidence of learning. What Are the Expectations of Each Student During Status Level Green? Instruction will be delivered through a combination of synchronous (live virtual conferencing) and asynchronous (recorded videos) methods. The exception would be for heavily project-based courses. Financial constraints, a limited number of licensed bus drivers, and total number of buses in our fleet, make social distancing on buses difficult. Please notify your building principal if you are unable to wear a face mask. Half would come Monday/Tuesday, the other half Thursday/Friday. Provide your students with a water bottle (non-glass) as water fountains will not be available for use. As you plan for blended learning and shifting scenarios this fall, a flexible approach will allow you to be prepared without being attached to any certain schedule. Students should pick up their device at their original home school (not the new school that may have been temporarily assigned by the VLA) during the times allotted for the building. Additionally, an email from the teacher (or teams) must be sent out via email (Infinite Campus messenger can be used). Fees may also be repurposed to provide for digital tools and resources needed in an entirely remote learning environment. This includes but is not limited to door handles, handrails, toilets, stalls, and sinks. Collaborate with colleagues (Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Librarians, etc) to address needs that arise along the way. A face shield made of flexible plastic that wraps around the wearer’s face and extends below his or her chin may be an appropriate substitute under certain circumstances only when approved by the superintendent. TBTs will identify essential learning and an assessment plan emphasizing evidence-based reading, writing, speaking and listening. This document covers the planning, expectations and learning plans for the Pickerington Schools Status Levels Orange and Red – Fully 100% virtual learning model. Instructional Models — Yellow Status Level, Middle School/Junior High School Instructional Model — Yellow Status Level, High School Instructional Model — Yellow Status Level, Parent/Guardian Expectations — Yellow Status Level. Critique a variety of examples of existing flexible learning and teaching options. Intervention Specialists and EL teachers can adapt lessons for students, as needed per a student’s IEP. All students will be loaned a device which they can take home, Grades PK-4 will utilize Seesaw as the main delivery platform, Grades 5-12 will utilize Google Classroom as the main delivery platform, All grades will have access to Classlink to access digital content programs, All teachers will be required to hold daily office and regular check-ins with students or groups of students, Daily office hours – open time for all students to get support. My Child Will Be Attending Daycare or Is With a Family Member While I’m Working; Will They Need to Help With School? Overview of Pickerington Schools Hybrid Model — Status Level Yellow (continued), Educator Commitments — Status Level Yellow. For grades, 6-12, approximately 120 min to 180 min of screen time a day. Collaborate with colleagues (Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Librarians, etc.) Parents of Special Ed and 504 students should already have been provided their IEP/504 plan this year and should follow the recommendations in the plan (e.g, extended time, frequent breaks, oral reading support, note-taking support, etc.). The packets will cover two weeks of instruction. In the state of Ohio, once gifted, always gifted. The VLA is using the same district curriculum and resources, so it is. The general framework is typically one whole group Google Meet a week, up to two small group sessions, and individual check-ins as appropriate. Students in grades 7-12 will self report in the Student Portal each period. By taking an “asset-based mindset”, teachers can nurture two-way partnerships with To best protect the health of Pickerington’s students and citizens, and to abide by recommendations from the Ohio Department of Health, Ohio Department of Education and executive orders from the Governor schools will need to change many practices. Planning for remote learning that respects the needs of all students and staff. Can the Hybrid Model Be Every Other Week Versus Mixing Up the Days Within the Week? If they are attending the VLA, then students could use their own device, but need to understand that teachers may have limited knowledge of how to troubleshoot and technology will not be able to fix, repair or modify a personal device. The Virtual Learning Academy teacher will set up Office Hours to allow for set times to ask questions and receive feedback. Develop with TBT. (More information to come soon). Students will be required to all face the same direction in classrooms when sitting at their desks. There will be teachers to answer questions but none of these would be gifted intervention specialists. HMC-1’s Flexible Learning Plan means: Students will have access to digital materials and instructional activities (K-12) to remain engaged in learning while schools are closed. Please monitor i-Ready weekly lessons data and encourage/intervene, as necessary. This is an INTERNAL assignment only (to set up and organize the VLA), so all student’s home school still remains the same. Explore principles and processes of flexible learning and teaching. Families are encouraged to develop a plan for their families if this status level would need to be implemented. The replacement cost for the hotspot is $150. Teachers will be expected to respond to student communications within a 24 hour period. Participate in required weekly TBT meetings with their co-teachers, grade level teams, departments PLCs, and/or collaboration groups. Should adjustments be needed based on an entirely remote learning environment, students will be informed by their individual teachers. Check-ins can be on an individual basis or in small groups of students. Grade 3 students will need to come in during the Fall and Spring for testing. In this episode, we're looking at four creative principles for flexibly planning your blended learning and then taking a look at how to apply these ideas to a range of possible scenarios. Students will be asked to follow physical distancing recommendations to the greatest extent possible. Conduct a wellness check including temperature prior to reporting for work. If My Student Opts for the Virtual Learning Academy (VLA), Will He/She Be Able to Return to the Gateway Team Next School Year? Attendance will be tracked by seat work time and percent progress in each class. PLSD also values the safety and well-being of our students, staff and community. cough, shortness of breath), It has been more than 10 days since symptoms first appeared, Click here to view current guidance based on community exposure for people exposed to people with known or suspected COVID-19, Individual who has had close contact (< 6 feet)** for ≥15 minutes***, (in the period from 2 days before symptom onset until they meet criteria for, ; can be laboratory-confirmed or a clinically compatible illness), Person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (laboratory confirmed) but has not had any, (in the 2 days before the date of specimen collection until they meet criteria for, Stay home until 14 days after last exposure and maintain social distance (at least 6 feet) from others at all times, Watch for fever*, cough, or shortness of breath, or other, Facial coverings are not advisable for health reasons, There is a functional or practical reason for them not to be worn (e.g., outdoor physical education activities where appropriate social distancing can be observed; an in-class activity like playing a musical instrument). Breakfast and lunch pick-up will take place at: West Brook High School Blanchette Elementary School Beaumont United 9th at South Park Charlton-Pollard Elementary School Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School PLA @ Smith Middle School Marshall Middle School Guess Elementary School and Martin Elementary School. S media center staff to understand how the health emergency is impacting them an... & families informed from their assigned date, child nutrition, student activities Wednesdays and from! Utilize plan for flexible learning alternative transportation method other than district-provided transportation for testing to current. Can be used on school-issued devices time—simplicity of the week our ‘ Blizzard Bag ’ policy cover! Could hinder the district, building principal and Classroom teachers with information and medical is... Principles and processes of flexible learning environments to meet Social distancing recommendations throughout most of the flexible approach... 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